Monday, June 30, 2008

From my cold dead hands!

Mr. Heston once said, " You can have my gun, when you pry it from my cold dead hands".

I am a firm advocate for the second amendment right of gun ownership. In fact, I have owned a gun since I was just a child of 10. I gained ownership of a 12 gauge single shot shot-gun. I can't remember where my brother in law got it from, but I do remember the way it felt when he took me to shoot it.

I put the shell in the chamber, lock it, and aimed. Bang! What a rush. That bottle was disintegrated into dust!

Well, many years have passed since I shot that gun. I have a total of about 7 guns to date. Some are rifles, others are shotguns, and I own a few pistols.

I own the guns for one simple reason : BECAUSE I CAN.

I don't hunt anymore. I used to be into duck hunting in TX.
I don't work with a secret govt. agency.
I don't live in a bad neighborhood.

So, why do I need a gun? Again, because I can.

It is my right! Quick history lesson : This country was founded by pissed off men who lived in a brutal and savage environment. They wrote the Constitution to include gun ownership for multiple reasons. Hunting, food gathering, sport, and most importantly - PROTECTION.

Protection from what? Wild animals, Savages ( American Indians were pissed off too ), other wild and drunk settlers, and the biggest threat - The US government.

Most people don't realize the main reason for the 2nd amendment is to protect ourselves from our own government. WE keep them in check. Simply put, we are there to insure that no wacko's take over our government and try to remove our rights. And if they do, we have the right to protect ourselves against enemies. Foreign and domestic. Period.

If big brother shows up at my front door and says, "you can't have a gun anymore - that is when I will go out WACO - style."

Waco, TX is a perfect example of why we have the 2nd amend.

Govt. doesn't like how many guns David Koresh bought. Govt. sends goons to house to raid house and take guns away. Why? There is no limit.

Clinton and Janet Reno were just making up the rules as they went. You can't do that.

So with all that said........... Hooray for the Supreme Courts decision last week to allow handguns in Washington, DC. They overturned a 30+ yr old rule and now law abiding people of DC can protect themselves from the slime.


AZ_James said...

Wow Dickie,
You hit it on the head.
I bought my first handgun around 1994 or so. Prior to that my family had never owned handguns. Strickly hunting rifles and shotguns.

The reason I had a sudden urge to buy a handgun was the Clinton administration. I thought that if I didn't hurry up and get one for myself I would lose the right and never be able to get one again.

Luckily that didn't happen.

Guess what I did next. I joined the NRA.

Just to be clear, I am now a conservative.

Prior to Bill Clinton I was not even registered to vote.

I'm a veteran and a patriot.

He scared the hell out of me so I couln't just sit by and not make my voice heard.

So thanks to Bill there are alot more Republicans out there today. That's one good thing to come from his Presidency.

"The Constitution shall never be construed... to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."
- Samual Adams

Dickey Sharpe said...

Awesome. Simply Awesome. I actually went to the Harris county Sheriffs dept on July 4th 1995 and turned in my Street sweeper shotgun. It was outlawed in 1994 by the Clinton administration. I complied and turned the gun in. Did I get any money for it? No. Did I get a Thanks? No. I just lost a gun that cost me over $250. We my main man W reversed the law in 2004, did the govt give me my gun back? NO.

Guess what? I am still pissed about it. Because I should have kept it. The criminals kept theirs and the law abiders lost them. See what happens with gun control? Only the law abiding people follow the rules. Now the people in DC can protect themselves just like the Senators and Representatives with their bodyguards can.